Friday, April 8, 2011

Everyday is a new day

I am blogging again, can you say new addiction? LOL. As the organized perfectionist that I am, I like having a new start, whether it's in school, in work, on YouTube, or with friends.  I hate that sound in the back of your head telling you that you left something unfinished. I like fixing problems, and "completing" something gives me a lot of satisfaction. When someone is going through tough times, it bothers me that I can't do any thing to help them, or their situation. Though it bothers me when something is not completed, sometimes laziness over takes that feeling, especially when it comes to school. I procrastinate like you wouldn't believe! Sometimes it is just because I don't feel like doing it, and sometimes it's because  I would rather start fresh the next day, week, or month. I think that the first step to fixing a problem, is recognizing it, and deciding what your going to do about  it. I am slowly learning that life can't be perfect, and that EVERYONE has their problems from time to time.  Instead of me trying to fix them, I should just pray and let the problem work it's self out. As I have gotten older and have had more resposibilitys, I've learned that it doesn't matter if I get a perfect grade, or if everything is perfect. What matters is if I try my best, work hard, and  have a good outlook on life. Just wanted to give you an insight into my thinking on things. Love Always, ~Katy

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