Monday, July 25, 2011


So I just recently got back from  my Heaven with bugs. Seriously, church camp was amazing for me this year as it is every year. I met so many great people, had a good time, and learned a lot about my self. I went the first week in June for my week (senior week). It was amazing to see God at work! I am a very closed off person, I don't like to show my emotions to others. Let's just say all the walls came down. I cried more than I had ever done in one setting. Unfortunately, I only got a few pictures from senior week because I was so caught up in the moment and always doing something. However, the memories made this year were more than a picture could tell.

I all so counseled my sisters week (3rd and 4th). We had the best cabin as far as counselors and campers. My girls were sweet, clean, and QUIET! Many of the other counselors were jealous of how well-behaved our Creek girls were. It's weird being called "Miss Katy" but it was exciting to see how much they absorbed and shared with me through the week. Picture time! I am not going to post names because of privacy reasons.

Oh, the guy counselor in the background making a strange face is Adam.
No he doesn't really have a beard LOL. That's what he gets for trying to get in the picture.

I think this is the cutest picture ever!

Me after the shaving cream fight. That was so much fun.

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